Dating Intentionally?
The exclusive Ebook Journal is for singles, dating and married couples seeking guidance on how to have a healthy and thriving love life. This is a convenient space to have those burning questions answered and to learn new and healthy ways to give and receive love.
In addition book a 1to1 session with us for any questions or for accountability purposes.
This Ebook consists of approx 34 pages - Feel free to print it out or complete it on your tablet or alongside your notebook.
Romantic relationships are one of most meaningful investments we could ever make in life. Despite their importance, we often leave it to chance to show us how to be successful at them… And, unfortunately, that doesn’t work.
We receive tons of questions from our millions of TikTok and Instagram fans every day seeking advice on ways to stop conflict in their relationship or how to make themselves lovable.
Speaking from a place of experience and empathy, we talk through the value of intuition, asking questions, and taking responsibility for the choices we make, offering practical, simple advice to improve any relationship, and insight into our own behaviours. From comfort zones and goal setting to healthy boundaries and keeping yourself centred, we offer the loving, healing and authentic common sense lessons that aren’t so common.
We do highly value you and remember you are guaranteed great results if you focus on what is lined-up for you in this program with a high level of determination and commitment. Avoid any distractions and procrastination if you want to achieve true love success. Truthfully, everybody is going to get to the point of success. You've got to be consistent, but the most important thing of all is just sticking to the learning process. Sticking to it and never giving up.